Peter and I. We are close, he just don't know that.

Just watched Peter Gabriel's March videoupdate and he mentioned the mobilephone how much that have affect our lifesituation. He had met a woman from Kenya and they talked a bit and for some reason he had asked her what could make Africa or help Africa to be better, and she answered him through show him a cellphone. He telled that he tought that that was kinda weird, but is it that really? Yea, cause what should a "indian" do with a cellphone. Don't have any numbers to call, or what to say to the politicians? They don't know. So I can understand Peters discussion. Peter always talk about what to do without the cellphones, what did we do before the cellphone. I don't remember? I was a small kid though but I don't remember what my mum did. If I were without my mobile today I would like be apatic and couldn't talk to anybody cause most of the familys ha take away there's homephone so I couldn't call home either. Yeye, but Peter sounds very tired on the last videoupdate, really. Maybe it is the Pixar's Wall-e whose take all his time. Hope so. There's a lots of talk about his weightloss, gosh, he's getting older and is worth that little extra sugar I think!
Peter's next album is on the way! I've got 5 songs from it! It's really awesome. I wish I knew him, so we could write music together, that is a dream of mine! And the lyrics is GREAT! This is one song called "whole thing" and it's really amazing.

the whole thing would still go on without you
and something would still be there to move me
my own thing is always to inspire you
the one that I love I dream beside
the one that I love I dream beside
the one that I love is close as I can get
the one that I love I dream beside
the one that I love I dream beside
sometimes I can't remember
sometimes I can't forget
this whole thing will still go on without you
and it's nothing to do with all of you
my own thing is always to protect you
the one that I love I dream beside
the one that I love I dream beside
the one that I love is close as I can get
the one that I love I dream beside
the one that I love I dream beside
take the women and children away
our family has not been broken yet
each night in bed my dreams take me over
each night in bed my dreams take me over
the whole thing would still go on without you
and something would still be there to move me
my own thing is always to protect you
my own thing is always to inspire you
this whole world
still goes round without you
you are my whole thing
you are my whole thing
This is the cover.                          

I wrote a intrestreport to the school I want to study after summer. Birkagårdens Folkhögskola Rockmusikerlinjen.
In english Rock-musician-route. 1 year. Then it is audition and I don't know what to sing then but I come up wuth something soon I think. It's kinda creepy that I am so old now. I want to be a child so I don't have to think about what to study, what to do on the whole. I hope I get in to that school by the way, so much! Would  be soo fun I think, with all that different people to experience. My plan is that after I have studying this school I want to go to Kulturama, maybe musical-route and after that Royal Music College. That's my plan. But I don't know what to do after that. I want to make my own music and get rich so I can help people who needs help. Thats what I want to make out of my life.¨
I'm kinda tired now. Maybe I write more tomorrow.
Love, Lia.


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